The BlueBridge Vision. 

Our mission is to support on-the-spot aid to those in need and strengthen trust and relationships between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.

BlueBridge provides local law enforcement agencies with resources to manage a community-supported BlueBridge™ program that allows officers the ability to render aid during interactions with community members in need.   Such aid could be in the form of food, clothing, fuel, shelter, help with affording needed medication, community outreach, and any number of other situations that officers can see would help an individual with a helping hand-up.  

To learn more about our story Click Here

For Communities

Supporting compassionate acts by law enforcement officers when people need it most, strengthens relationships between officers and their communities.

For People in Need

Intervention by a caring community law enforcement officer to address an urgent need may well avoid an individual’s or family’s downward spiral of despair.

For Officers

Officers routinely engage with good people who are at a low point. The ability to produce positive outcomes affirms and reinforces their service ethos and renews their sense of purpose.

The BlueBridge Values

We believe in the goodness of humans.  We believe in compassionate law enforcement officers, open-hearted community members and altruistic community business leaders.  We know that when humans are provided an opportunity to express and practice these values, the benefits reverberate in a positive social sequence.  We are passionate in supporting a healthy, mutual, symbiotic relationship between law enforcement officers and their communities. 

What We’re About: 

Immediate short-term assistance to those in critical need. Intervention by a caring community in the form of a modest investment to address an urgent need may well avoid an individual’s or family’s downward spiral of despair.

Improved connection between communities and their law enforcement officers. The police simply cannot succeed in their mission “to protect and to serve” without the support of the communities in which they serve. Facilitating the ability of law enforcement to assist members of the community in a non-enforcement context  can help mend the frayed relationship that all too often now exists.

Positive impact on police morale and organizational culture. Officers routinely engage with fundamentally good people who are at a low point in their lives. Giving them the means to intervene so as to produce positive outcomes affirms and reinforces their service ethos and renews their sense of purpose.

Total People helped
by our program
0 +
0 +
Increase in
Public Approval
0 %
Decrease in
Non-violent Crime
0 %

Technology meets Community Policing

"BlueBridge's leadership is a balance of seasoned Law Enforcement leaders and Tech Executives, meaning that our innovative approach to community policing leverages cutting edge technology. Additionally, key metrics and data play a critical role in enhancing and evolving the program, and for creating positive and predictable outcomes for all of the program's stakeholders."

– Brian Spracklen,
Co-Founder and CEO

Meet some of our Directors and Advisors

We're proud of our contributors and their vast experience.

BlueBridge Alliance, A Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization © 2023. All Rights Reserved